Stella Bélanger

Stella Bélanger

Certified tvaholic. Extreme food fanatic. Amateur beer evangelist. Certified bacon evangelist. Passionate bacon nerd.

40 Author´s Articles
The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Property in Ontario

The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Property in Ontario

Are you planning to move to Ontario and looking for a rental property? As an expert in the real estate industry, I can...

The Benefits of Using a Property Management Company for Your Ontario Rental Property

The Benefits of Using a Property Management Company for Your Ontario Rental Property

Are you a landlord in Ontario looking for ways to effectively manage your rental property? With the increasing demand for ...

Understanding the Requirements for Rental Property Insurance in Ontario

Understanding the Requirements for Rental Property Insurance in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have seen firsthand the importance of having proper insurance coverage for...

Navigating Property Taxes for Your Ontario Rental Property

Navigating Property Taxes for Your Ontario Rental Property

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the most important aspects of managing your rental property is understanding and...

Understanding the Rules for Security and Privacy in Ontario Rental Properties

Understanding the Rules for Security and Privacy in Ontario Rental Properties

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have come across numerous questions and concerns regarding the rules for...

Understanding Late Fees for Rent Payments in Ontario

Understanding Late Fees for Rent Payments in Ontario

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the most important aspects of managing your rental property is ensuring timely rent...

Understanding the Restrictions on Rental Properties in Ontario

Understanding the Restrictions on Rental Properties in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have encountered numerous questions about the restrictions on rental...

Renting Out Your Ontario Property as a Non-Resident: What You Need to Know

Renting Out Your Ontario Property as a Non-Resident: What You Need to Know

Are you a non-resident of Ontario who owns a rental property in the province? If so, you may be wondering if you can...

Handling Noise Complaints in Your Ontario Rental Property

Handling Noise Complaints in Your Ontario Rental Property

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the most common issues you may face is noise complaints from your tenants. Whether it's...

The Tax Implications of Owning a Rental Property in Ontario

The Tax Implications of Owning a Rental Property in Ontario

As an expert in the field of real estate and taxation, I am often asked about the tax implications of owning a rental...

Expert Tips for Handling Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

Expert Tips for Handling Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

As an expert in the field of Ontario rental property, I have seen my fair share of disputes between landlords and...

Understanding Ontario's Rental Property Laws

Understanding Ontario's Rental Property Laws

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have encountered numerous questions about Ontario rental property laws. One...

Understanding the Requirements for Rental Property Inspections in Ontario

Understanding the Requirements for Rental Property Inspections in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have seen the importance of rental property inspections in Ontario. These...

Understanding the Requirements for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Ontario Rental Properties

Understanding the Requirements for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Ontario Rental Properties

As a landlord or property manager in Ontario, it is important to understand the requirements for smoke and carbon...

Understanding the Process of Evicting a Tenant for Non-Payment of Rent in Ontario

Understanding the Process of Evicting a Tenant for Non-Payment of Rent in Ontario

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the biggest challenges you may face is dealing with a tenant who fails to pay their rent ...

Understanding the Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

Understanding the Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

As an expert in the field of real estate, I have encountered numerous cases involving Ontario rental properties. One of...

Understanding Rental Increases in Ontario

Understanding Rental Increases in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have encountered numerous questions about rental properties in Ontario. One...

Resources for Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

Resources for Landlords and Tenants in Ontario

As an expert in the field of Ontario rental property, I am often asked about the resources available for landlords and...

Expert Tips for Maintaining and Repairing Your Ontario Rental Property

Expert Tips for Maintaining and Repairing Your Ontario Rental Property

As a landlord in Ontario, it is important to understand the responsibilities that come with owning a rental property. One ...

How to Handle Abandoned Personal Belongings in Your Ontario Rental Property

How to Handle Abandoned Personal Belongings in Your Ontario Rental Property

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the challenges you may face is dealing with abandoned personal belongings left by a...

The Average Cost of Renting a Property in Ontario

The Average Cost of Renting a Property in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have seen the rental market in Ontario fluctuate over the years. With its...

Finding the Perfect Rental Property in Ontario

Finding the Perfect Rental Property in Ontario

Are you looking to rent a property in Ontario? As an expert in the real estate industry, I understand the challenges and...

Understanding Discrimination Laws in Ontario Rental Properties

Understanding Discrimination Laws in Ontario Rental Properties

As an expert in the field of real estate and property management, I have encountered numerous cases of discrimination in...

Understanding the Rules for Pets in Rental Properties in Ontario

Understanding the Rules for Pets in Rental Properties in Ontario

As a landlord or tenant in Ontario, it is important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding pets in rental...

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Rental Property in Ontario

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Rental Property in Ontario

Are you considering investing in a rental property in Ontario? As an expert in the real estate market, I can tell you...

Terminating a Rental Agreement in Ontario: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Terminating a Rental Agreement in Ontario: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

As a landlord or tenant in Ontario, it is important to understand the process of terminating a rental agreement. Whether...

Do I Need a License to Rent Out My Property in Ontario?

Do I Need a License to Rent Out My Property in Ontario?

As a property owner in Ontario, you may be wondering if you need a license to rent out your property. The short answer is ...

Expert Tips for Handling Security Deposits for Ontario Rental Properties

Expert Tips for Handling Security Deposits for Ontario Rental Properties

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the most important aspects of managing your rental property is handling security...

Including Utilities in Rent for Your Ontario Rental Property

Including Utilities in Rent for Your Ontario Rental Property

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the biggest decisions you will have to make is whether or not to include utilities in...

Understanding the Rules for Rent-to-Own Agreements in Ontario

Understanding the Rules for Rent-to-Own Agreements in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have seen a rise in the popularity of rent-to-own agreements in Ontario. This ...

The Process of Evicting a Tenant in Ontario: A Guide for Landlords

The Process of Evicting a Tenant in Ontario: A Guide for Landlords

As a landlord in Ontario, one of the most challenging situations you may face is having to evict a tenant from your...

The Consequences of Not Following Rental Property Laws in Ontario

The Consequences of Not Following Rental Property Laws in Ontario

As an expert in the field of rental property laws in Ontario, I have seen firsthand the consequences that landlords and...

The Consequences of Breaking a Lease Agreement in Ontario

The Consequences of Breaking a Lease Agreement in Ontario

As an expert in the field of Ontario rental property, I have seen firsthand the consequences that can arise from breaking ...

Finding the Perfect Rental Property in Ontario: The Role of a Real Estate Agent

Finding the Perfect Rental Property in Ontario: The Role of a Real Estate Agent

Are you looking for a rental property in Ontario? With its diverse landscapes, bustling cities, and charming small towns, ...

Understanding the Regulations for Health and Safety in Ontario Rental Properties

Understanding the Regulations for Health and Safety in Ontario Rental Properties

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have seen the importance of adhering to regulations for health and safety in...

The Ultimate Guide to Subletting a Rental Property in Ontario

The Ultimate Guide to Subletting a Rental Property in Ontario

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have encountered numerous questions about subletting a rental property in...

Understanding Rent Control Exemptions for Ontario Rental Properties

Understanding Rent Control Exemptions for Ontario Rental Properties

As an expert in the real estate industry, I have encountered numerous questions about rent control exemptions in Ontario. ...